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Meet the Queen of the jungle
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The Ajanta Cave Second Century BCE Buddhist Monument World Heritage Site
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The Bird with Seven Colors
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Discover the secret of central India

Safari Tours

Indian wildlife safari is one of the best in the world because it has the highest number of wild cat species in its forest and also having the big five animals in its wilderness. It is having some of the best wildlife games viewing in central India Because of having the proximity among number of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.

Birding Tour

India is having one of the best birding opportunities because of having Rich biodiversity write from Himalaya to the Sahara desert and from Western Ghat to the sunderbans hence it contributes to 10 percent of the total bird’s specie of the world.

Heritage Tour

India is having one of the world’s oldest civilizations, which shows from its ancient rock caves, archeological monuments, and forts. India is having 40 different UNESCO world heritage sites.

About Us

We are a company form central India the city called Nagpur which is a tiger capital of the world because of having number of National Parks and Tiger reserves around the city and having best places for tiger Safari in India. The director of the company has worked at Jungle Camp at Pench National Park as chief naturalist for sixteen years in the wild and had an experience of more than 8000 safaris with the guests around the world,  ” he as guided lan Botham and David Gower the England cricket captain “.  with immense knowledge of flora and fauna and experience to deliver the best of wild life with perfection so It will be an long lasting memories for the guest to travel with the company. We specialize in tailor made Tiger Safari package tours, Birding tours, Heritage tours and vehicle hire in Central India. Get your tiger safari ticket book in advance.

Safari Tours of National Park

Birding Tour


(for Forest Owlet)


(in Winters)


(for Sarus Crane)


Our Happy Clients!

We have known Prabhir Patil for many years. He has been our naturalist and guide on our regular visits to Pench and the national parks of Central India. Prabhir has an excellent understanding of the animals and their habits – an essential prerequisite for a successful guide. We have had great success at locating and observing some of the park’s most elusive creatures. One spectacular day in Pench, Prabhir found 13 different tigers for us to enjoy and photograph. As an accomplished photographer himself, Prabhir was able to position our vehicle in the right spot to take the best pictures.

Although many people go to the parks of Central India to catch a glimpse of the tiger, there is plenty of other spectacular wildlife to see. Prabhir is particularly knowledgeable about birds and their behaviour. He is able to spot birds that others miss.

 Prabhir knows every square inch of Pench and most of its inhabitants, but he is also knowledgeable about the other parks. We have been on successful visits with him to Tadoba and Nagzira.

 In summary, we can recommend Prabhir as an excellent guide and tracker. He is patient, kind, good company and has excellent English.

Felicity and Michael bullock

London, UK

We are so happy that you received the hat and that you are so happy with it. We are so pleased we could give you this hat as our gratitude and appreciation of your being our guide and going that extra mile to make our experience so complete. You are an excellent guide and we learned many things from you, thank you.
This is a great picture of you in your hat and you certainly have a most beautiful wife.

We hope to return to India and to Pench and Tadoba and hope to reuite with you. 

Have a wonderful season and a wonderful rest when the rains come.

Julian & Lee Lichter

We miss particularly India, Pench and the tigers. It was such a wonderful experience, twice, with you prabhir as our Naturalist. We loved every moment of the safaris, even the (very) early wake up in the dark and
the cold (I remember you were so kind to give us blankets and feetwarmers on the jeep), but of course, the best part was when you felt that a tiger was around, and we stopped the jeep,
stopped talking, almost stopped breathing, and waited, and there he was the Tiger  coming… Just walk by the side of our Vehicle it was truly magic!

And  there was so much to watch, learn and enjoy thanks to you, the forest with all its varieties of trees and plants, all the other inhabitants of the jungle, deers, wild bors, monkeys, so many birds, and their ways of living.

    We were very lucky to have you as our guide and naturalist, with your knowledge, respect and love of nature so communicative. I hope we will be able to do it again.

Monique Rovelli Demitriadis